The show features Dr. Lee surgically draining or otherwise removing various skin infections. These are most commonly pimples, cysts, and blackheads, but producers are always quick to highlight more exotic skin conditions - as long as there's plenty of pus and fluid to squeeze out.
But despite the nearly universal compulsion to squeeze pus from your own skin infections, even Dr. Pimple Popper herself warns this could make your acne worse. Leave it to the pros, says the dermatology community.
Dr. Lee first gained massive fame with her YouTube channel and Instagram accounts, where she'd post short videos of gross growths and their ultimate destruction. These became wildly popular starting in 2015, and as a result, Lee now has 5.8 million YouTube subscribers, 3.6 million Instagram followers, and one of the highest-rated shows on her network.
Most of the time, doctors say you should stick to watching a professional pop the pimples if you want to avoid spreading infection, skin pits, or scarring.
"Treating acne requires patience and perseverance," writes Gary W. Cole, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist and medical author for MedicineNet. "Any treatments may take two or three months to start working. Unless there are side effects such as excessive dryness or allergy, it is important to give each regimen or drug enough time to work before giving up on it and moving on to other methods. Using modern methods, doctors can help clear up the skin of just about everyone."
Skin Care Regimen to Stop or Prevent Acne
According to Dr. Cole, These are all good basic skin regimens that may help with the acne battle:- Cleanse gently twice daily
- Apply a gel or cream containing 5% benzoyl peroxide; an alternative is sulfur or resorcinol. Use a pad containing 2% salicylic acid to help exfoliation each morning
- At night, apply a spot cream containing sulfur to the affected areas
- Use a light skin moisturizer and water-based makeup
It's best to consult a primary care physician or dermatologist if an individual is unable to adequately control his or her acne, Dr. Cole said. The goal of medical treatment for acne should be the prevention of scarring (not a flawless complexion) so that after the condition spontaneously resolves there is no lasting sign of the affliction.
Dr. Cole reminds people with acne that, if they must pop pimples, leave it in the hands of a professional like him or Dr. Lee.
"Just hang in there," Dr. Cole said. "And don't pick. Please."
Source: MedicineNet Health News.